what creature are you?

Many people dream of mythical creatures, and wonder what it's like to be one of them. The powerful dragon, the terribly dark vampire, the dark were wolf, the grinning fairy, the laughing running dryad, the proud centaur, the playful satyrs.

You can figure out which one YOU'RE most like. Which of the Seven are you? Now, hopefully the dudes here won't get dryad but what ever. Come on. Are you up for a good laugh or the most surprising precision on on-line test has ever given you?

Created by: Aurora

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. desribe yourself in four words.
  2. your love life
  3. describe yourself
  4. what do YOU think you are?
  5. what group do you fall into at school?
  6. I know, its getting boring and I'm out of questions.
  7. Hello person taking my quiz
  8. hmmmmmm. Just outta curriousity, what grade/level thingy are you in? it does nothing to your score.
  9. someone cute walks up to you. You:
  10. Lets see. Last question: At school they are picking teams. There are 2 captains. A girl and a guy. You are: (something irrelevant: if your a guy, don't get ticked off if you get fairy or dryad cause its just a description)

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Quiz topic: What creature am I?