What creatu are you most like?

There are many, many different types of people, but only a few are very tight knitted to a certain type of creatu. Want to find out what creatu you are the most like? Well, take the quiz!

Which creatu are you? Are you the sweet, bubbling kind, or the vicious evil kind? Find out by taking this well-thought out quiz! (Starring a few of all of the creatu).

Created by: lilie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's most like you?
  2. What's your favourite colour?
  3. What creature would you relate to?
  4. Favourite food out of these?:
  5. Favourite season?
  6. Favourite type of movie?
  7. Favourite type of song?
  8. Your mood usually?
  9. Which one?
  10. Favourite celebration?

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Quiz topic: What creatu am I most like?