What colours do you look best in? ;)

There are many skin tones, hair colors, hair colors and these all affect what colors suit us the best. What is the best color? Well there is no BEST color, but more what color suit you the BEST.

Do you suit the bright colors like blue, orange, red and green. Or are you more of a neutral person with the browns, grey, etc. Thanks to my quiz you can find out.

Created by: emma-olivia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What color is your skin?
  3. Do you have yellow undertones in your skin?
  4. Do you have pink undertones in your skin?
  5. Gold or silver jewelry?
  6. What do you think you look better in? Black or white?
  7. Do you burn or tan easily?
  8. What color are your NATURAL eyes?
  9. What describes you best?
  10. What do you think of this quiz? (Doesn't affect your results)

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Quiz topic: What colours do I look best in? ;)