What color represents my personality??? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What color represents my personality???

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  • What color represents my personality???
    You r Result: Purple

    You are veery creative and outgoing!But, at the same time you can be mysterious. You are very ambitious and you strive to improve yourself. Because of your intelligence, and power you can achieve anything you dream of, but sometimes you can be very judgemental towards others.

  • Yellow, its actually alot like me lol! good quiz

  • Your Result: Green

    You are really calm and down to earth, and you are loved for that! But, sometimes you are just a little stubborn. You are lucky, for you have a lot of stability in your life, and at the times you don't you have enough endurance to overcome your problems!

    So like me and green is my favorite color!!!


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