What college should you attend?

If you are not sure what college is right for you, than please take my quiz because it will give you perfect or horrible results. This is just a silly quiz.

Take this Quiz! I've already explained every thing so I am just going to say... Good luck and you will do good because you are you and that is perfect for You.

Created by: Nicole
  1. What are your grades?
  2. #&í·_!_+í·8-_dhdjfwjkdfjrixn
  3. What's 9+10?
  4. Who is Abe Lincoln?
  5. Girlfriend or boyfriend?
  6. What is your future dream job?
  7. What is the 16th letter of the alphabet t seconds GO!!
  8. What state do you live in? ( if it's not listed just choose one)
  9. Erie2own 2oeoe19e#\:&:
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What college should I attend?