What character from Theodosia are you?

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HeLLoO! Calling all Theodosia fans! This quiz tells you what Theodosia character you are most like! In these next ten questions all will be revealed...

Please answer these questions truthfully so you can get the results that suit you best! Thank you! But most importantly have fun! Alright Good luck on the quiz!

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. So, What is your best trait?
  2. And your worst trait?
  3. Which of these activities are you best at?
  4. Which of these jobs would you prefer?
  5. Where are you most likely going to be on Saturday morning?
  6. When you go to the Arcade, where are you most likely to be?
  7. Who's your favrouite character?
  8. Which of these Egyptian artefacts interests you most?
  9. Are you any good at magic tricks?
  10. You're most obsessed with.....
  11. BYeeeeeee!

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Quiz topic: What character from Theodosia am I?
