What Character are you!? (Naruto)

This is a Naruto character quiz!! I hope you all take it!! its really fun to do and its super true!!! go hurry!! before its to late!! :D! Yes: Hai No: Iie Thank you: Arigato Thank you very much: Arigato gozaimasu You're welcome: Douitashimas---e Please: Douzo Excuse me: sumimasen, s---surei shimasu Hello: Kon-nichiwa Goodbye: Sayounara So long: jaamataas---a Good morning: O hayou gozaimasu Good afternoon: Kon-nichiwa Good evening: Konbanwa Good night: Oyasuminasai Places Post office: Yuubinkyoku Museum: Hakubutsu kan Bank: Ginkou Police station: Keisatsusho Hospital: Byouin Pharmacy, Chemists: Yakkyoku Store, Shop: Mise Restaurant: Resutoran, Shokudou School: Gakkou Church: Kyoukai Traveling Train: Kisha, Ressha Bus: Basu Subway, Underground: Chikatetsu Airport: Kuukou Train station: Eki Bus station: Basu tei Subway station, Underground station: Chikatetsu no eki Departure: Shuppatsu Arrival: Touchaku Parking: Chuushajou Hotel: Hoteru Room: Heya Reservation: Yoyaku Passport: Pasupooto Eating Breakfast: Chohshoku Lunch: Chuushoku Dinner: Yuushoku Vegetarian: Saishoku shugisha Cheers! Kanpai Bread: Pan Beverage: Nomimono Coffee: Koohii Tea: Ocha, Koucha Juice: Juusu Water: Mizu Beer: Biiru Wine: Wain Salt: Shio family Wife: Kanai, Tsuma Husband: Shujin, Otto Daughter: Musume Son: Musuko Mother: Haha, Okaasan Father: Chichi, Otousan Friend: Tomodachi Directions Left: Hidari Right: Migi Straight: Massugu Up: Ue Down: S---a Far: Tooku Near: Chikaku Long: Nagai Short: Mijikai Map: Chizu Tourist Information: (Ryokou)Annaisho

Do you think your up for some Naruto character quiz? Words won't prove anything.. just take this quiz and show me what you got! {blah stuff don't read} Yes: Hai No: Iie Thank you: Arigato Thank you very much: Arigato gozaimasu You're welcome: Douitashimas---e Please: Douzo Excuse me: sumimasen, s---surei shimasu Hello: Kon-nichiwa Goodbye: Sayounara So long: jaamataas---a Good morning: O hayou gozaimasu Good afternoon: Kon-nichiwa Good evening: Konbanwa Good night: Oyasuminasai Places Post office: Yuubinkyoku Museum: Hakubutsu kan Bank: Ginkou Police station: Keisatsusho Hospital: Byouin Pharmacy, Chemists: Yakkyoku Store, Shop: Mise Restaurant: Resutoran, Shokudou School: Gakkou Church: Kyoukai Traveling Train: Kisha, Ressha Bus: Basu Subway, Underground: Chikatetsu Airport: Kuukou Train station: Eki Bus station: Basu tei Subway station, Underground station: Chikatetsu no eki Departure: Shuppatsu Arrival: Touchaku Parking: Chuushajou Hotel: Hoteru Room: Heya Reservation: Yoyaku Passport: Pasupooto Eating Breakfast: Chohshoku Lunch: Chuushoku Dinner: Yuushoku Vegetarian: Saishoku shugisha Cheers! Kanpai Bread: Pan Beverage: Nomimono Coffee: Koohii Tea: Ocha, Koucha Juice: Juusu Water: Mizu Beer: Biiru Wine: Wain Salt: Shio family Wife: Kanai, Tsuma Husband: Shujin, Otto Daughter: Musume Son: Musuko Mother: Haha, Okaasan Father: Chichi, Otousan Friend: Tomodachi Directions Left: Hidari Right: Migi Straight: Massugu Up: Ue Down: S---a Far: Tooku Near: Chikaku Long: Nagai Short: Mijikai Map: Chizu Tourist Information: (Ryokou)Annaisho

Created by: Sasuke Uchiha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you see one of your teamates being attacked by another ninja, you:
  2. If you could choose one of this jutsus.. what would it be?
  3. What ninja tool you choose
  4. A ninja comes and tells you, "Hey I wanna fight you.." you answer:
  5. You are walking trought the woods and suddently "Rasengan!!!"
  6. They told you to choose a Kunoichi to your team.. you choose:
  7. They Ask you to choose a Ninja to you team, you choose
  8. You need Sensei and they leave you to choose you choose:
  9. Choose a village
  10. One of your teamates its injured and alot of ninjas are following you you:

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Quiz topic: What Character am I!? (Naruto)