What character are you from the book The Zodiac Protectors?

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Have you ever wondered what character you are from Abigail & J.R Book(s) The Zodiac Protectors? Well now you can find out! do this test and see for your self!

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Created by: Abigail & J.R of What character Zodiac Protectors am I?
(your link here more info)
  1. Which one would you be?
  2. What's your zodiac sign?
  3. What would your friends describe you as?
  4. In your friend group what are you?
  5. What's your MAGIC? (What kind of magic do you want)
  6. What do like to do in your free time?
  7. Would you?
  8. Who do you want?
  9. Which animal are you most like?
  10. How did I do?

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Quiz topic: What character am I from the book The Zodiac Protectors?
