what Camp Camp character are you?

mild trigger warning for some of the answers! what you choose as answers can/will strongly effect the after results. don’t take the commentary to heart! there is a mild H*tler reference in one of the questions, but it doesn’t strongly suggest it.

The characters you can get are : David , Preston , Gwen , Max , Dolph , Nurf , Nerris , Neil , Nikki , and Harrison! i’ll be making more quizzes like this in the future, with more characters! (if voted so)

Created by: Preztonn
  1. How do you like to spend your free time?
  2. Favorite hobbies?
  3. If you could have one pet, which would you have?
  4. Favorite Song Artist?
  5. Favorite song Quote? (trigger warning)
  6. Favorite Poet?
  7. what would you like to be famous for?
  8. Whats your personality type? if you don’t see yours, press skip, or if you don’t know yours, press skip <3 (skipping wont affect your answer)
  9. what do you identify as?
  10. how did you enjoy this quiz, should i make account with more things like this?

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Quiz topic: What Camp Camp character am I?
