What Big Cat are you?

Some people show some characteristics of big cats. But there aren't many people that do, maybe because they're afraid of being called "weird". But everyone has a big cat inside them. What is a big cat, you may ask? A big cat is something like a tiger, bigger then a domestic house cat

Have you been wondering which Big Cat you are? Well, thanks to this awesome website and this even better quiz, you can find out with just 13 easy questions!

Created by: SilverStorm
  1. How fast are you?
  2. How strong are you?
  3. Do you like swimming and tree climbing?
  4. Do you like meat?
  5. How active are you?
  6. You're walking alone, when something gigantic comes at you. What do you do?
  7. You're with a group of friends, and, suddenly, something big comes out of nowhere and growls at you threateningly. What do you do?
  8. Where would you prefer to live?
  9. What is your favourite meal for dinner?
  10. What is your favourite type of meat?
  11. What type of person are you?

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Quiz topic: What Big Cat am I?