Does your swim team like you?(for competitive swimmers)

Some people on swim team are pretty much liked by all.they have tons of friend and are easy to get along with . They might not even super committed to swimming ,and only show up for practice once week.

So the ultimate question you have to ask yourself is do the people on my swim team like ME ?am the person that is much like by all ?even the coach ?

Created by: Ann
  1. How long do you wait after the person in front leaves?
  2. Do sprint warm-up ?
  3. What do you do when you touch someone's feet?
  4. What do you do when someone touches YOUR feet
  5. How do respond to the coach after he tells the the set ?
  6. During dry land you:
  7. Coach says we're doing 50's butterfly sprint because someone was goofing around and not listening ,you:
  8. At a swim meet ,you don't get the time you wanted you:
  9. At a swim meet you get your best time ever you:
  10. When your friend who is the same age as you gets a better time at a swim meet you:
  11. You see someone forget a part of the set you:
  12. Do you have a lot of friends on swim team
  13. At a swim meet you get your best time ever you:
  14. Do you race the people in another lane during a drill set?
  15. If you do race people in the other lane during a drill set how do you react when you win ?
  16. Do you think you are a fast swimmer ?
  17. Do let others know you are a fast swimmer ?
  18. Do think you are the fastest kid on the whole swim team ?

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Quiz topic: Does my swim team like you?(for competitive swimmers)