Are you a Nerdfighter?

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Nerdfighters are geeky people who aren't afraid to unironically love things. They try to create amazing things, and make the world a better place through charity work. Nerdfighteria started in 2007 with a video blog called vlogbrothers, but they're so much more than just fans. They're a community, and they fight to make the world a better place for everyone.

If you want to be a nerdfighter, you probably are one, but if you aren't sure, take this test. WARNING: Uses some Nerdfighter lingo that newer Nerdfighers might not know yet.

Created by: Katherine Benjamin
  1. Someone is trying to pick a fight with you by saying ideas you don't agree with. What do you do?
  2. A typical Friday night for you is...
  3. The world may be broken, but hope...
  4. Racism is...
  5. You see a guy with thick glasses with a humongous sci-fi novel in one hand and a Javascript manual in the other. Your immediate thought is...
  6. DFTBA means...
  7. A decepticon is what?
  8. Dinner?
  9. How many of these Youtube channels have you heard of: vlogbrothers, vsauce, veritasium, NerdyandQuirky, CrashCourse, SciShow, Mental Floss, Good Mythical Morning, Cereal Time, MinutePhysics, charlieissocoollike, CGP Grey, PBS Idea Channel
  10. Books are...

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nerdfighter?