What army member are you

there are those who think they have what it takes to go into the army.What is a soldier.someone who can kill a guy with anything in sight.And is bomb at doin anything at he does and anything he sets his mind through kjust dont get in his way.

Are you a soldier?do you have the guts to do what you've got to?this quiz will seperate the men from the boys.So take the quiz and find out if you've got what it takes to become one of americas finnest soldiers.

Created by: jacob
  1. whats your weapon
  2. who would you add to a squad of 8
  3. whats the main weapon of an assasin
  4. how much members do you need to make a squuad
  5. you have been hired to kill osoma-bin-lodin how do you kill him
  6. wheres the best place to shoot a man
  7. whats better
  8. whats a real weapon
  9. are you afraid of death
  10. did you like this test

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Quiz topic: What army member am I