What are you to HL? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What are you to HL?

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  • Your Result: Elitist

    Your page is gorg, your pixels are pointed and your name is adored. You are known for sophisticality and every player dreams of being as HL famous as you. You rname is one most graphics and your pixels are on the top of the charts. Not only are you rich, but you've been playing for years and this new HL is really getting on your nerves, but you stick around anway.(Just to ensure good lines)

    ...wrong. ..I've been playing Horseland since 2003. (it's horseland.com, right?) and no, I'm not rich. Just have about 6000 something coins in the bank. I'm not "famous" (Since when did "being famous" matter to the game?), and the new Horseland is better than the old IMO. AND how do you know my page is gorgeous? LOL...weirdo. OK quiz. LMAO HL isn't about "good" lines, it used to be, but not anymore, sister. Get used to it. It's about sharing the love of horses. It's for HORSE LOVERS, not elitists. Sure, it may have been for elitists in the older version, but not any more :D Don't like it? Deal with it.

    Sorry for the novel, just stating opinion :3

    @thisisme149~ that's what I think about "elite" people. Actually, they DO know almost everything about the game, but they can come across as rude/stupid sometimes. And yes, this quiz is a lot biased LMAO

    all for now.

  • this quiz is a little bit biased. (not a lot, just a teeny tiny bit)

    KIDS play HL too, you know.HL is better off without all the "elite" people who think they know freakin everything when they dont, just because they've been playing HL for a quadrillion years. This is the reason why I avoid Talk, it's full of know-it-all adults of the game.

    anyway, good quiz but it could've used a bit more description.


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