What animal are you???

What animal are you? I don't know, but, we can find out, just take this quiz I MADE BY MYSELF and we will figure it out!!!!! {Me: It took me a very, very, VERY long time to make this quiz so cherish the every second yo play it! :) LOL!}

Are you a Cat, are you a dog, are you a lizard, are you an alien, are you a pig, a monkey, a rabbit, a sloth, a panda bear, a ferret, a meer kat, I SURE DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SO TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT!!!!

Created by: Christina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. Two words to describe me are...
  3. One bad thing about me is...
  4. I hate it when...
  5. I am considered to be...
  6. If I had to be in a circus I would be...
  7. I really hate the...
  8. If I'm super mad, I will
  9. I love...
  10. If you get attention for TOO long you...

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Quiz topic: What animal am I???