What AJ Alpha are you?

Animal Jam is a fun game, where you can chose an animal, dress it up, and more! But, are Alphas the ONLY thing you can truly be? Have fun in this quiz as you find out what Alpha you are.

What Alpha are YOU? Do you have the brainpower to know where danger lurks? Do you have the trust for other jammers and other Alphas? Do you like pink over all colours? WHAT ALPHA ARE YOU?

Created by: Candycorn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite colour
  2. Whats your best Aj animal
  3. Whats your favourite Item
  4. How old are you on AJ
  6. What is your favourite fraise?
  7. Where did you hear about AJ?
  8. What is your favourite famous jammer?
  9. What is your favourite AJ Buddy Game
  10. What is your favourite place on AJ

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Quiz topic: What AJ Alpha am I?