Were are these College Campuses located?

There is lots of Universities in America. Do you know were most of these are located? Take this 10 question quiz and see how you do on this quiz. Good luck.

These questions will determine your knowledge of the location of several universities. Hope you do well and please retweet and share. I would certainly aprreciate it.

Created by: Matt dover of Lildover2412
(your link here more info)
  1. Were is Baylor University?
  2. Were is Western Michigan located?
  3. Were is Texas Tech located?
  4. Were is West Virginia located?
  5. Were is Wisconsin located?
  6. Were is University of Cal. located?
  7. Were is University or Arizona located?
  8. Were is North Carolina University located?
  9. Were is University of South Florida?
  10. Were is Vanderbilt located?

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