Weight gain roleplay

This is a roleplay to see what would happen if you were in a certain scenario, would you gain weight or keep it off! Only time can tell. Note once you select a leave option leave all subsequent answers blank.

Gibberish warning ⚠: utstsitstisiydyixyifyidiysitstidyidiystidyifyidgisuydjgdiydjyditdjgdjgdgjstusjgdtudsutsutsutdtudutdutddtdgdgdgdgdxgdgdyddhdydddd

Created by: R.a.b.
  1. You see 2 doors one leads to the outside world and the other is labelled weight experiment
  2. You went into the weight experiment door, a message appears on a wall saying you will gain a small percentage of your weight. It then says you can stop by pressing the stop button you see in the corner of the room. It's covered in glass so you don't press it accidentally. The hologram says a number "200" you believe this is your current weight. Wait it went up by 1!
  3. After about 3 minutes you gain 25 lbs! You can't believe it! Your belly has formed a 1 inch muffin top and your thighs are thicker and the last gap between them has been decimated. You boobs and butt are also slightly bigger and you have a double chin forming!
  4. Another 55 seconds later you weigh 50lbs more since you started! You definitely have a double chin now and your thighs rub together when you walk, wait! You are finding it slightly harder to walk with a 2 inch top now and your clothes are now tighter. You're now thicc and when you sit down you have 4 rolls on your bulging belly. You are nearly obese.
  5. It's been 1.5 minutes you have gained a total of 100lbs, you must be an E cup, maybe even a F. And your booty is jiggling when you walk just like the rest of your body. your jeans have rips in them and your face you have 6 rolls upon sitting and 5 when standing. Running is basically impossible but in the short time you can, your thighs clap (only while running though, so far for now). You need 6 hands to pinch all the fat on your stomach which forms a 4 inch muffin top and hangs out your shirt and onto your lap. You are class 3 obese.
  6. 2 minutes later you weigh 200 lbs more than you started! That's double your weight! You're a FF cup and any part of your colossal body's extremely jiggly and massive. Your thighs clap even when walking now and you can't make it to the end of the room running before losing your breath. Your jeans have more rips, has unzipped and fell down a bit, revealing your underwear, and you can't even pull them back up. Your shirt is now way too small and is also about to burst. You measure yourself with a tape measure and it says, bust: 58" waist: 57" and hips: 67".
  7. You've gained an astonishing 250lbs! Your shirt and jeans explode simultaneously exposing your bulging belly and thiccc thighs and other bits. You look down, you can't see your toes! Only your belly and H cup. You look in the mirror again you have a triple chin, "What! I didn't even know that existed!"Your thighs jiggle so much that they clap a few times after stopping walking. Speaking of walking, walking has become so hard that you just sit in bed. "Wait! I can't count this many rolls!" You tell yourself. You have bat wings and the the tape measure can't measure you anymore. You notice you are hungry as you realise this also increases the size of your stomach.
  8. Final question: you gained 400lbs, you can barely (just barely) walk, your thighs jiggle for 30 seconds after each step (same as the rest of your lard ball) and clap around 10 times. You can't count your rolls but you know there's significantly more. Then you realise something, if you don't leave now... you'll be stuck in bed forever! just getting fatter and fatter!!!
  9. Did you like tis quiz
  10. Filler question

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