Wedgie quiz for girls and boys

This is a wedgie quiz it will bring you pain and maybe me but be careful if you don't do the wedgie you will be cursed forever and ever and ever so be aware

Wedgie wedgie wedgie us all I hear all day cause I'm a wedgie slave forever and ever and ever yay I love wedgies they are comforting without wedgies I'd probably be dead right now

Created by: Wedgie slave 400
  1. Are you a girl or a boy?
  2. Have you ever had a wedgie
  3. If so what type was the first wedgie you had
  4. Do you want me to get all the wedgies ever invented?
  5. Do you
  6. Do you want to wedgie me
  7. How old are you
  8. Front or back
  9. Do you like the quiz
  10. Too long?

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