wat would you do ?

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there are lot of people in this world but half or going to be bad happened Nd good so let's try to see what you would do in tricky situations or and regular day situations.

do you have the courage to go through this quiz to dig down deep and see what you really would do dont try to impress just tell the truth well if you do go ahead and enjoy it

Created by: tamela
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if you saw 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk
  2. have you ever been mean to somebody just because you can are you see somebody else doing the same?
  3. what would you say to somebody you never met before .
  4. how do you look at the world
  5. what will you say if u could only say one word ..
  6. how is you explain yourself to someone but can't see.
  7. hey lalalala wat u think about this quote . ill become religious so I can pray u go to hell.
  8. theres a new girl you do wat
  9. wat would you do if you ....
  10. um ive ran out of question wat would you do

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