warriors "The New Prophecy" trivia quiz

heeyy people!!!!!i am so happy that you are going to take my quiz!!!please read the books before you do this trivia quiz please!!! (red the next paragraph)

heeyy again!!! if you want to take any of my other quizzes, they are called "warrior cats life (she-cats only), your warrior cats life toms only (by Featherstorm) etc. btw, my name is not featherstorm anymore, it is Dawnfeather.

Created by: Dawnfeather
  1. what are the names of the cats that went on the journey to the sun-drown place?
  2. which of the six chosen cats died in the mountains?
  3. who is brambleclaw's father?
  4. who does leafpool run away with?
  5. who gets killed by a badger?
  6. who does squirrelflight mate with?
  7. who is stormfur's sister?
  8. who is the thunderclan deputy?
  9. what is are the names of the first and last books in the series?
  10. what does brambleclaw look like?

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