What Warrior Cat are You, Journey to Sun-Drown Place?

Out of all the cats which made the journey to Sun-drown Place are you? Are you Tawnypelt or Stormfur? Brambleclaw or Crowfeather? Feathertail or Squirrelflight?

Choose your answers and find out! I hope you get a cat that suits your characteristics and wonderful personality. Remember, each cat is different, and so you don't have to match every trait - you're unique, and that's a good thing.

Created by: Moondust
  1. What do you value more?
  2. If your friend was seen meeting another cat on the border, what would you do?
  3. What is your favourite clan?
  4. A she - cat, or a tom?
  5. As an apprentice, what would you most like to do?
  6. What is your first choice of fresh-kill?
  7. What would your warrior name be? (Trust me, this links to the answer!)
  8. Can you climb like a squirrel, swim like a fish, run like a hare or live as a badger?
  9. What would you like your life to be like most?
  10. If you loved a cat, and they weren't in your clan, would you abandon everything to be with them?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I, Journey to Sun-Drown Place?
