warrior cats clan love story she-cats only part one

Hi this is a part one and a part two love story you will be one of my OC’s Oceankit to Oceanpaw for this story you will get your warrior name in part two

So who will you love and who will love you (all of them love you) how will you react when a death occurs a very sad death occurs join me Shadowpaw on this great story

Created by: Shadowpaw
  1. Your name is Oceankit and you just opened your eyes and are sleeping in your mother Greeneye’s nest when *BONK* a moss ball hits you on the head and three cats attack you
  2. The kits stop and stare at you and finally one whispers that’s the prophecy kit Oceankit his pelt is a fiery red he stares at you as if you were the most rare herb ever and you could save the world
  3. The other kits look at you and then a blue gray kit says oh shut up Wildkit we all know your the worst and then the deep brown kit says hi I am Treekit the one that hates Wildkit is Sharkkit and the red one is Wildkit
  4. You wobble out of the den and look around you see a small kit with brown eyes and a white pelt being attacked by a tabby she-cat you walk over and bare your teeth at
  5. Whatever you did Treekit Sharkkit and Wildkit come over and tackle the Tabby get off my little brother Raccoonpaw Treekit said pushing the tabby off the little kit are you ok Tinikit Wildkit said it’s Tinipaw now the little cat said who’s your mentor you ask Twospots Tinipaw says
  6. *small time skip* your being apprenticed Sharkkit is now Sharkpaw Wildkit is now Wildpaw Treekit is now Treepaw and you are now Oceanpaw and your mentor is your Father Tangletail and your training with him and Sharkpaw and Wildpaw who are sharing a mentor Racconspots who had been Racoonpaw
  7. After you fight you go back to camp and go to heal the scratch Sharkpaw gave you while attacking Wildpaw the medicine cat Pondripple looked at you and said ocean waves fly with the one they love to save the clans from peril you blink and she tells you to come back tomorrow as you leave you think
  8. Your sleeping in your new nest when a YElP comes from out side you rush outside and a Fox is in the camp pinning Greeneye to the ground Tangletail and your sister Viperpaw are attacking the Fox you leap up and attack with them Greeneye is batting the Fox weakly your brother Foxclaw runs up and slashes the Fox it kills the Fox and the Fox falls on Greeneye and when everyone pushes the Fox away Greeneye your mother is clearly dead
  9. *small time skip about a few hours * your in your nest sleeping when Foxclaw wakes you and tells you to come it’s time to morn Greeneye
  10. As you morn you sit next to
  11. Wait until part two for what happens next this dose not effect this quiz
  12. Did you like this quiz not effecting the answer

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