Warrior cat questions

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How well do you know your warrior cats in these books.Eat drink read repeat. Go check out other warrior cat quizzes created by others. They would be happy to show you there quiz.

Read the warrior cat books by Erin hunter see there adventures as they look for a new home or help friends meet firestar no longer bearing the name rusty

Created by: Charlie B
  1. Which cat is the real mom of jay feather?
  2. How did cinderpelt die?
  3. Who killed tiger star?
  4. What happened to raven paw?
  5. How did blue star die?
  6. Who did leaf pool fall in love with?
  7. What was firestar old friend from the two leg nest name?
  8. Why did they move.
  9. Which couple ran away
  10. What was the name of the friendly badger?

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