Very Subtle Hogwarts House Test | Comments

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  • Ravenclaw,well I am very self reliant on myself along with being kinda curious. I always have the urge to have answers no matter the situation right away usually all the time. I also find my brain wise yet my own enemy too. I still like Slytherin the best though sense they are very unique and mysterious like me, cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • Yay! I got Ravenclaw. I have no idea what house I am so, yeah! Maybe I'm a Divergent house person. Whatever. I also wish that I was smart enough to do this type of house quiz. Mine was obvious. Like What is your favorite color??

  • Gryffindor! Like always!!!!!!!

    Pyra Potter
  • I got Slytherin. I normally get Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but then again, those are with the obvious answers. I really liked the questions since they weren't obvious what house you were going to get if you clicked them!

  • I got Ravenclaw, I usually get Gryffindor or Slytherin on these but this sounds like me partly ~ The most important thing to you is knowledge. You think people are here to experience all kinds of things and make up their own mind. YOUR mind is your weapon and source of happiness equally. You're not necessarily a good pupil or all that interested in books, but you're sure as hell damn curious about... well, everything. It's hard for you to just accept anything, you want to know how the world works. And you try to be your own person. You don't really want to feel like a part of everything, you think the sum of your experience makes you who you are. It's not always easy for you to blend in, but you're usually a valuable part of any group, because of your knowledge and wits. Your interests can be weird sometimes. But we wouldn't know all this weird stuff we can read right now on wikipedia, if it weren't for people like you. Ravenclaws are the most curious and individualistic ones.


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