Update #1 from Lexi | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Update #1 from Lexi.

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  • All those names are great! Although Stone may not be the best name and Kody may be better with a C, you have good heart!

  • Hey, all those names are great! :D I'm glad you love your baby already so much. I think you're doing all the right things.

  • I've seen your previous quizzes, and like any other person, I truly feel for you. I know at this age, when one still thinks is a kid, it must be fairly hard to imagine being a parent. I know it must be hard for you, but I salute you for letting other girls of your age know the consequences of pre-marital relations. It only takes a really brave person to do so, and Lexi, you are brave. I'm astounded by your bravery. If I had been in your place, I might have committed a suicide. I don't blame you, surely it was a mistake, but it's better to learn from mistakes than repeating them again, right?

    I'm mad too. Mad at Caleb, the society and modern world. Although we claim to be living in the age of freedom and everything, but tell me, why is that girls are always forced to suffer the consequences while boys carry on with their carefree lives? They don't care what they've done, that they've ruined the life of a girl and their child, forget that their child needs the care of a father. I don't want to sound like a feminist, but honestly, all these happenings have made me bitter.

    Now turning things to something lighter, I'd say Destiny is a really nice name for girls. It's my personal favourite but of course, it depends on you, as what you want to name your daughter. As for boys, I like James, Darren, and Matthew but as I said before, it's your choice in the end.

    Wishing you good luck for your future! You'd be a great mom, a brave girl like you couldn't be anything less.

  • I like destiny and kody for names. I'm glad you are doing better. I'm just wondering are you sure you want to give your baby up for adoption? My aunt did this and not every day, she lives with the regret of having done so and tries to contact my cousin all the time but her knew parents won't let her because they think this is going to hurt her progress asks a toddler. Thanks for the update though and I want you to know that no matter what others y, I'll always be here to listen! TTYL!

  • Sky is such a pretty name!

    If you do go through with this adoption thing, then I just want to say that don't close yourself out of that child's life because it might grow up angry and have questions as to why you have it up for adoption and who its parents really are, and it might get frustrated because it cannot know those questions. But I hope everything goes well, and you'll find out something to do with Caleb. And if you do tell him and he tells you to get an abortion, then ignore him. Tell him that he can't tell you what to do with it because it's also your decision and you have to carry it around, and then leave it at that.

  • Hi lexi.i am moon.i saw all your quizes.i feel so sad n glad.sad coz for your situations n glad coz u love ur baby.i dont know much about pregnancy coz i am 13 .well i am like ur little sister.pls update ur all emotions.love n hugs for u.bye.


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