Ultimate Dragonball Universe Quiz

If you think you know the universe of Dragonball, step up and let's see what you've got. Some questions are easy, some are practically impossible. So... You up for a challenge from a real super saiyan?

Are you a mental super saiyan? Personally, I don't think anyone will pass my quiz 100%. Not that I'm not pulling for each and every one of you... It's just too hard.

Created by: Cooper31684

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was Captain Ginyu's MAX power level?
  2. True or False: Chiaotzu is bald?
  3. Of the following fighters, whose cells were NOT incorporated into Cell's design?
  4. How many teeth does Imperfect Cell have?
  5. Who are the 4 ghosts of past villains that Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo,and Vegeta had to fight in Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans?
  6. Who created the ghosts from the last question?
  7. What race is Garlic Jr?
  8. Who has appeared the most times as a main villain in the Dragonball Films? (This includes Dragonball, DBZ, and DBGT)
  9. Who did Goku compare fighting Janemba to after transforming into his Super Saiyan 3 form?
  10. What do all 2nd born saiyan sons have in common?
  11. Of what race is Dr. Raichi?
  12. Which character did NOT kill Krillin?
  13. What is the name of the creature that the brothers Abo and Cado merge together to become?
  14. What is the name of Tarble's wife?
  15. Hatchiyack is...
  16. After obtaining Kanassa, Bardock's team was ambushed by a fleet of Frieza's elite soldiers lead by whom?
  17. Who originally put the idea into Frieza's mind that it would be in Frieza's best interest to destroy Planet Vegeta and exterminate the saiyans?
  18. Which of these events came first?
  19. What is Hercule Satan's true first name?
  20. How many Saiyans survived their home world's destruction?

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