DragonBall Z Quiz

Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball Z Kai, Dragonball Kai, Dragonball GT. So many people hate them. Why do they hate them? Well I don't know why they shold LOVE it.

You think you know about Dragonball Z. Let'a just find out. Take my quiz and find out. Test your so called "knoledge" on Dragonball Z. If your not chicken.

Created by: Shyla
  1. Who creates the Saiyaman Costume
  2. What is the name of Gohan's High School
  3. What are the terms of Videl blackmail
  4. How long can Goku come back from the dead.(Great Saiyaman Saga)
  5. Which Z Fighter fights first in the World Tournament
  6. How many Z fighters are in the world tournament.
  7. At first, after Videl being beat up by Spopavitch, Hercule thinks Gohan is Videl's
  8. What's Gohan's little brother's name
  9. What Goku's favorite star ball
  10. Who rules Earth after Kami
  11. BONUS QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is Goku NOT related to

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