U.S Goverment Chapters 1-4

there are so many smart people, but not everyone is smart, so take this quiz and find out if you know anything about U.S Goverment, cause U.S goverment is kewl and fun. LOL and u should go home and eat chicken cause chicken is kewl

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Created by: matt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The Belief that you can influence how your goverment acts is called?
  2. Goverment can best be defined as
  3. a goverment that is formally limited by laws and rules is called
  4. direct democracy is best defined as
  5. what are the three core values of american plitics
  6. the bill of rights is
  7. the right of each citizen to vote is an example of
  8. the seperate but equal doctrine was introduced in what supreme court case
  9. in___ women were granted the constitutional right to vote
  10. low voter turnout and political apathy endangers
  11. the first written constitution for the United States was called
  12. a conference held to analyze perceived flaws in the articles of confederation was called the
  13. the 1787 convention to draft a new constitution was held in
  14. shays rebellion was significant because it
  15. the virginia plan of the constituional convention proposed a system of representation in the national legislature that was based upon
  16. during the philadelphia convention, the new jersey plan was supported by
  17. what is the three fifths compromise
  18. what is the trem length of a member of the house of representatives
  19. the three branches of the goverment created by the constitution are
  20. how many ammendments are there to the U.S constitution
  21. over the course of american history the federal goverment has grown___compared with the states
  22. the federal system can be best defined as
  23. the specific powers granted to the national goverment in article 1, section 8 are called the
  24. the authority of the state to regulate the safety, health, and even morals of its citizens is called____ Powers
  25. the full faith and credit clause of the constituion...
  26. which level of goverment writes the majority of all criminal laws
  27. which clause of the constitution has been critical in allowing for the growth of national power
  28. ___descibes the policy of delegating a plicy program down to a lower level of goverment
  29. what president presided over the New Deal
  30. the term "marble Cake" federalism is meant to refer to whaht development
  31. what was the main reason that alexander hamilton did not want a bill of rights
  32. the bill of rights was written because
  33. the bill of rights were ratified by the states in
  34. the wall of seperation between church and state is best found in what clause of the constitution
  35. what were the alien and sedition acts
  36. the second ammendment to the U.S constitution deals with
  37. what is a grand jury
  38. the requirement that persons under arrest be nformed of their right to remain silent is known as the rule
  39. the term eminent domain describes
  40. a womens constitutional right to an abortion was established in

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