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Me/K: HELLO!!! Anyway, your just going to PLAY a game with my ORIGINAL character Absinthe! There are many choices although it's a bit HARD depending on how you look at it!

Me/K: You can try once or twice until you win! I hope that you win and do great! Also, Absinthe is scary, LOVES knives, is childlike, blunt, and funny. You can keep her personality in mind, anyway, that's all, BOI!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: You will spend some time with ORIGINAL character Absinthe and we will see what happens! You ready?! (NO EFFECT) WARNING: SHE IS SCARY AND LOVES KNIVES!!!
  2. You were in your house, watching TV, home alone, then you hear a BANG noise! You....(BE HONEST)
  3. (EITHER WAY, YOU WENT TO THE NOISE) You went over to the noise, it was coming from the attic. You went up there and opened the door leading to the DARK attic. You hear MORE noises, what do you say?
  4. ???: *grabs your Bat and holds your hands behind your back* "DON'T WORRY, I WON'T HURT U!!!" The scary girl voice says, then she puts down a Sleeping Bomb that makes smoke and you fall asleep.....
  5. You finally wake up, tied up in a black room with only 1 light on top of you and NOTHING else. You hear the same girl from earlier laughing.
  6. ???: "Nice of you to join the FUN!!!" The girl began to walk your way. You could see her now. She had half white hair and half black hair, one white eye and one black eye. She was holding a knife too with red stuff on it.
  8. Then you hear a's a COP CAR!!! Absinthe: MAN!!! They found ME! Don't go anywhere, (Y/N)! NOT LIKE YOU CAN! *evil laugh, then leaves* All of the sudden, a BLADE comes out from the floor behind your seat. It comes closer and closer, about to KILL you! What do you do?
  9. (EITHER WAY, YOU FIND A WAY OUT) You are NO longer tied and jump out of the way of the BLADE, but you do get a cut on your leg. You hear Absinthe on the speakers! Absinthe: "If you want to live, you should stay....or you can try to leave...but you'll fail!" Do you take care of your scar?
  10. Will you run away or stay?
  11. (EITHER WAY, YOU RAN) As you ran, you heard Absinthe's laugh through the speakers. You ran to a hallway that led to 3 different hallways! Which one do you take?
  12. Then, another 3 hallway! Which one?
  13. Which one?
  14. Another?
  15. You get to a room where there are skeletons, your NOT sure if their REAL or NOT. You hear someone behind you, you turn around and see Absinthe there! Your reaction?!
  16. Absinthe: "You will DIE here and become the rest of these skeletons....but before you die....LET'S PLAY!!! *snaps her finger and disappears*" There are three colored walls, one is blue, another is red, and the other is black. You pick?
  17. Pick?
  18. Pick?
  19. All the sudden, the walls disappear and there is now a dragon in front of you, behind the dragon is an exit to leave! How do you get around the dragon?
  20. (EITHER WAY, YOU GET AROUND THE DRAGON) Before you could get out the door. You feel hands pull your arms behind your back. ???: "HI!!!" It's Absinthe!!! Absinthe: *CUTS YOUR ARM A BIT* "I TOLD YOU, YOU WOULDN'T WIN, YOU KNOW WHY?.....CAUSE YOUR MY DOLL!!! *EVIL LAUGH*" How do you get away? (WARNING: SHE IS CONTINUING TO CUT YOU)
  21. Me/K: Do you think you won? (NO EFFECT)

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