True Colors Personality Quiz

Want to discover your true colors? Your true personality? Then you all you have to do is take this quiz and answer the questions TRUTHFULLY. Sooooooo.... Good luck!

I do not own this. Originally this is done on paper and is more accurate. But I decided to create a simpler and easier online version, so I hope you like it :)

Created by: Wonderland Alice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When I make desicions...
  2. The best way for others to me that hey care about me is to...
  3. When I'm with friends, I like to provide...
  4. I like to...
  5. One thing I am really good at is...
  6. Friends who know me best would say that I'm...
  7. My basic approach to life is...
  8. When I am feeling discouraged or "down in the dumps"...
  9. I feel good about myself when...
  10. Teachers who saw me when I wasn't on my best behavior might describe me as...
  11. Teach at my school (who like me and in whose class I do pretty well) would describe me as...

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