Total Drama Island Quiz

Do you watch the new hit show Total Drama Island? If so, come to this quiz to see how mutch you know about camp wowanaqua! Come ancer 10 questons about all the campers!

Do you like Total Drama Island? If you do, then come to this quiz! It is the greatest Total Drama Island quiz in the world! So come now before its to late!

Created by: jonathan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Owen
  2. Who is dateing
  3. Who got voated in ep.2?
  4. Witch girl is a goth.
  5. Who went to jail?
  6. Who is the hoast of the show?
  7. How many teams are there?
  8. How many lovers are there?
  9. Who is Lindsay
  10. Who is not a charactar in this show?

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