TM QUIZ-xela123

One day surfing on the inernet,I found a website called TOPmodel,and registered.Thank godness I have! It's my favourite website! Register and start your adventure!

TopModel is a great website and if you've ever visited ot,you must know it!Buy the newest garments or explore the message board-this is what this quiz is about!

Created by: xela123
  1. How much does it cost to fly to Madrid?
  2. What does RC stand for?
  3. What are the Auction House opening hours?
  4. What is the most popular message board?
  5. How many outfits can you store?
  6. How many cr do you have at the start?
  7. How many letters does a username have to have?
  8. What's the name for an organ on TM?
  9. Where can you upload your designs?
  10. On TM there are.... Message Boards

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