The Wonderfulness of ME!

I stole this from Jenny. Hers was pretty fun. I was bored and wanted to take up some time. So I'm guessing you are bored too? Hopefully you won't find mine too boring, but i'm sorry if you do!

Well, take my quiz and let's see how well you do. If you know me a little or a lot it doesn't matter. I'm sure the answers might not always be what you expect. Then again i'm sure are typical if you know me just by looking at my page.

Created by: Valerie
  1. How many college degrees do I have?
  2. How many years have Brian and I been together?
  3. Do I have any babies?
  4. what's my addiction?
  5. what was my major in college?
  6. what's my favorite candy?
  7. who's my absolute most favorite actor--regardless if you think they're good or not!
  8. who's my favorite actress?
  9. what's my favorite kind of liqour?
  10. ok so now what's my favorite mixed drink?
  11. what's some thing i do that most people my age don't do till maybe they are much older?
  12. what's me pet peeve?
  13. which of my parents is mexican?
  14. what age do i definitely want to have my first child by?
  15. how many kids do i want?
  16. Do I believe in love at first site?
  17. Would you consider me...

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