The William Quiz 16.0

This quiz is about me. That sounds really self-obsessive.... But it is true. This quiz is about me. And if you take this quiz you should know who I am. Otherwise you're a freak.

Do you really know me? Only take this quiz if you ACTUALLY KNOW ME. I have to fill in [SORRY I HAVE TO BLANK THE NUMBER OUT THEY WON'T LET ME HAVE IT HERE] characters about this stuff? You have to be kidding. Who could be bothered with that? Oh wait, I've filled in 100 characters by complaining...

Created by: etahad

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do I listen to the most?
  2. What was the first anime I watched?
  3. How many quizzes have there been
  4. What is the best console?
  5. Which of these hasn't noticed me before
  6. Which of these animals do I like?
  7. 10+9=??
  8. Who is Etahad?
  9. Who is my favourite character from the anime Death Note?
  10. Did you enjoy my quiz? (This has no effect on your score.)

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