The wild cat quiz

This quiz is one for everyone and if you do it please comment! I I looked almost everything up and it is pretty educational . I love snow leopards so that is why these are subsepies.

When you take it please pick the answer you think you identify with instead of wanting just a black panther or something. Have fun , relax and enjoy!

Created by: Carys
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Witch of these is your fave place?
  2. What is your fave food
  3. What is your fave color
  4. What cat are you hoping to get
  5. How many Cubs does the average Black Panther have?
  6. How long is the average life span of a white tiger
  7. What is the only thing that a snow leopard CANT do? That every other BIG cat can?
  8. Do snow leopards hibernate?
  9. Do black panthers kill humans?
  10. Do white tigers live in groups?
  11. Black panthers can swim do they like it?
  12. How far can snow leopards jump?
  13. How good is a white tigers eye site?

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