Find your WILD side!

Yes, ppl, this is the boring quiz. If you want to see the FUN one than go to the other quiz. This quiz is a "fun" personality quiz. If you want to get a perfect score on the FUN one then slick all the "sleepy" answers.

Do you play Animal Jam? If so, my username is 3cats. I also do videos on You Tube. But try the quiz now and FIND YOUR WILD SIDE! (yeah lets find our wild side)

Created by: Cassie
  1. You've been invited to a costume party. What do you wear?
  2. Gym class today. You've got your fingers crossed that you'll be able to:
  3. You're invited to a campout in the woods. You're:
  4. You're invited to a friends birthday party. As a gift, you give him or her a:
  5. You're idea of a great pet is a:
  6. Whenever your friends are feeling down, you cheer them up by:
  7. You heard your teacher talking about a field trip. Your hoping your class will:
  8. Which of these personality traits do you like the least?
  9. What kinds of books do you like to read?
  10. You're hungry. You grab for:

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Quiz topic: Find my WILD side!