how cat-like are you?

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take this quiz and discover the wild side of you! see just how much cat-like you are! everyone, (except all those dog people) have maybe just a bit of that inner cat!

find the truth about yourself and see if you qualify to be part of that group of people that are amazingly (but strangely) half cat! (also if you don't like cats you shoulden't be here)

Created by: leighanna
  1. how long is your average sleep schedule?
  2. are you a morning person or a afternoon time person?
  3. are you a vegetarian?
  4. do you like baths or showers better?
  5. do you like bored and card games or sports better?
  6. whats your favorite beverage?
  7. whats your favorite fruit?
  8. do you like to swim?
  9. do you like seafood?
  10. what color eyes do you have?
  11. how long do you keep your nails?

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Quiz topic: How cat-like am I?