are you a pomeranian or a persian?

Do you like pomeranians? Do you like persians? Pick your side by taking this personality quiz. You can be on the small but snooty side or laughing lovable bundle of joy.

This quiz will give you facts on the breed as well as facts you will discover about yourself. Me and my best friend kayla worked hard on this so I hope it pays off.

Created by: kayla&mariah
  1. whats your personality type?
  2. whats your favorite color?*hides behind tree*
  3. your owner just left the house what do you do?
  4. pick an object, any object
  5. whats your favorite animal?
  6. what word appeals to you most?
  7. if you lived on one of these alien planets which one would you inhabbit?
  8. what would you be likely to wear and do at school on any given day?
  9. what would be your distinctive scent?
  10. did you like our first quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a pomeranian or a persian?