The Ultimate Quiz

This is a fortune telling quiz. Once you have done all the questions, a fortune teller will tell you your fate. What reality t.v. show will you end up on?

Will you go on a show where you can win a million dollars? Or will you go on the most watched T.V. show in America? Or will you go on another show? ;|

Created by: takethispoll
  1. What do you do in your free time? ;)
  2. Are you really good at something?
  3. Choose a card
  4. What country do you live in?
  5. Would you ever do drugs?
  6. Could you be away from home for a month on an island?
  7. What would you like to eat now?
  8. Which of these sounds the best?
  9. Which of these would you least like?
  10. Now, after this , the fortune teller will take over and tell you your fate? Choose an item.

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