The Ultimate Maths quiz(Are you a genius?)

Solve this equation:2 multiply by three add seventy-one take away thirty-three multiply by a hundred and forty-four minus three.What is your answer???

Ok hope you calculated that sum.The answer is:6 333.If you were right then yay but if not, sorry.Plz dont use a calculator!!You only fooling yourself!

Created by: Emily881
  1. The sum of 14 and a number is 56.The number is:
  2. Which of the following is a prime number?
  3. 3²+4²
  4. -7+14
  5. 25❌14 can also be written as:
  6. Find 1/5 of 45
  7. Solve for X: 8X=56
  8. What is the value of A in the sequence: 1,4,9,16,25,A
  9. 1¼km is the same as:
  10. 36,579+45,32+723,6=
  11. So how you like my quiz?
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Quiz topic: The Ultimate Maths quiz(am I a genius?)