The Ultimate Cetacean Quiz

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This test is a knowledge testing quiz about Earth's mighty ocean beasts, the whales, It will determine whether you are an expert on these gentle giants.

Are you a whale-expert, can YOU ace this test, why don't you take the quiz and find for yourself, find out if you, are a whale genius, or if you aren't.

Created by: Andy
  1. Blue Whales are also known as
  2. In order to take long dives whales have . . .
  3. What are the two groups of Cetaceans?
  4. Sperm Whales are . .
  5. Which of these is not a Cetacean?
  6. What is different about Baleen and Toothed Whale Blowholes?
  7. Baleen Whales are also known as . . .
  8. Right Whales and Bowhead whales don't have . . .
  9. Humpback Whales are famously known for what?
  10. What is the Second largest Whale

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