The Test Begins

This test is a secretive quiz designed to see if you can participate in... Well, that's the thing. I can't tell. You have to take the test and see if you have a valid entry. Oh yeah, don't bother reading the rest, it just explains the rules.

At the end of the test, if you have a valid entry, it will tell you the name of the quiz that is step two of three. If you didn't succeed, it will not.

Created by: Lavender
  1. What is "The Test"?
  2. Sometimes, do things feel 'odd' when you hold them, like some power is struggling to come out?
  3. When you have dreams, what are they about?
  4. When you have nightmares, what are they about?
  5. Have you ever walked in on your pets 'talking' to each other? When they look as if they are having a conversation?
  6. Do your parents or roommate tell you that you talk in your sleep a lot?
  7. Have you ever felt drawn to a strange building in your town with no doorknob?
  8. Have you ever felt a ghostly presence near you?
  9. Have you ever been taken over by some sensation and suddenly grabbed a stick?
  10. If you answered 'Yes' to the last question, did a large barking dog or some other dangerous animal come from around the corner or from the bushes?
  11. Have you ever seen a strange pattern in the clouds?
  12. Have you ever felt like you wanted to fly, jumped up, and been amazed when you stayed in the air a millisecond longer than you should have?

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