The Super Math Test

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This test will determine how well you do with things you've learned, or at least what you're going to learn. The questions will get harder as you go.

Are YOU knowledgeable about math? Do you have enough brain power to conquer this test? Until now you could only imagine. But after you take this quiz, you'll find out!

Created by: Emmalee
  1. 6+2
  2. There are 4 cats sleeping and 10 cats playing with yarn. How much cats are there in all?
  3. 27-15 compared to 34-22
  4. a. 7x9=7(3)+7(3) b. 8x4=2(3)+7(4) Which equation is true?
  5. 9x4x5
  6. A fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator is called?
  7. Simplify the ratio 1363/2491
  8. A pencil making company makes 300 pencils in a day. 45 are green. What percentage of the pencils are not green?
  9. What is the value of x 3^x(times)4^x = 5
  10. There is a right triangle. The opposite is 5 meters long and the adjacent is 4 meters long. What is the length of the hypotenuse?
  11. sdawkcab ip si tahw

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