The Real Ghetto Lifestyle Evaluator Quiz

This is a comprehensive Analysis on ghetto behavior. it is Lengthy but thorough. If you really need to know if you are ghetto it is recommended you take this test. I am african american so this is the real deal. I lived in the ghetto and the suburbs so I have seen it all.

ARE YOU GHETTO?? Do you have ghetto tendancies or you just frontin to look cool for your crew?? Well ...what are you waiting for......Well lets find out if you are ghetto or not.

Created by: Ralph

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you REALLY look at hip hop music?
  2. Beverages: In the last 72 hours what have you drank the most from the following?
  3. Trends and Fads: Is there any styles or trends that you have followed from a hip hop artist EVER
  4. Clothing Do you wear your pants and shirt very loose fitting
  5. Body art work: Do you have any tattoos
  6. Music: Do you listen to ANY music other than hip hop?
  7. Have you EVER bought sold or traded Food stamp cards.
  8. What is your dream car?
  9. Where and /or how do you currently live
  10. How often do you get into disputes with others where you have had lost your temper?
  11. What kind of pet do you own?
  12. FEMALES ONLY: How many wigs and/or weaves do you current have and own?
  13. Drugs: Which one of the follwoing have you tried in the last 30 DAYS??
  14. Have you read any books in the last 6 months? This does NOT include magazines
  15. Do you have any real ambition or motivation to change your standard of living to better yourself for yourself and your family?
  16. What TV shows have you watch in the past week?
  17. Have you ever been incarcearted? Jail or prison EXCLUDING traffic offenses
  18. Do you receive Social Security benefits?
  19. What kind of food items have you consumed in the last 72 hours

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