How Ghetto R U?

Some people are smart, some are dumb, some are ruly, and some are, well, GHETTO! How ghetto are you? Well, you're abou tto find out in my little quiz!

So, there's still the question... ARE YOU GHETTO? Take the quiz already! Come on, it will be fun! Just answer what you haert thinks and you will get the truest relusts.

Created by: Sierra
  1. Out of these names, who would you want to be friends with the most?
  2. If you had an accent, what kind would you want the most?
  3. If you were in a fight, what weapon would you want?
  4. What kind of hair style do you prefer?
  5. In your free time what would you rather do?
  6. What do you think of your friends?
  7. Which mean character do you think of yourself as out of these choices?
  8. How ofter do you use hand motions when talking?
  9. What kind of earrings would you want?
  10. If a guy you liked liked you back, what would you do?

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