The Pals Quiz Test

This quiz is about the pals they are amazing dude/bro/mate whatever if you get all of the questions right you will become a legend but if you get most/all of the questions wrong you will not become a legend.

The pals are a group of youtubers. Btw this is my first quiz. Have fun and enjoy the quiz and try your best. DONT FORGET TO TRY YOUR BEST DUDE. I REALLY HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY THIS QUIZ.

Created by: david
  1. Who is the most popular person in the pals?
  2. How many subscribers do the pals have [ as of january 2019]
  3. What is the name of sketchs pet dragon?
  4. What is the name of denis, s pet cat?
  5. What is the name of sketchs twin brother?
  6. What colour hair does Alex have?
  7. What is the name of sketchs pet dog?
  8. What game do the pals play most?
  9. Has sub ever shown his real face.
  10. Why is ethan not in the pals?
  11. Who is corls BFF?

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