Are u a Apex Lengend fan

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I will see if ur a true Apex legend fan this test will see if you are.And also everyone is a legend okay even if you don't get along people still love but ur a legend everyone is a legend

Take this test and see if you are a Apex Legend fan or a GodIf you play the game you should know about a couple stuff you don't have to know everything just try

Created by: Tayisback
  1. What do you do when u see an enemy
  2. What do you do before you play Apex
  3. Who is the helpful legend and gives ur team health
  4. What is the place more squads go
  5. Which legend can disappear and makes portals
  6. Does Apex legends have dance moves
  7. Which legend is a robot
  8. Which legend is the fastest
  9. Which body shield is the strongest
  10. The last one does it have cars in apex

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