The Padawan's Trivia, How well can you quote Star Wars?

This is a quiz testing your enigmatic Star Wars quote knowledge. The quotes are pulled from both eras and involve most characters Achieve the highest level of Jedi knowledge possible!

You want to be a Jedi. You have your lightsaber, and you sit in your room and Meditate on decisions like a Jedi, but something is missing. Yes, the test of your Star Wars knowledge! This is the quiz that will tell you where you are in terms of Midi-chlorians. Enjoy!

Created by: PadawanGretchen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who said this? "..Or this will be the shortest offensive of all time"
  2. Who said this? "Well then you are lost!"
  3. Who said this? "You fool, only now at the end do you understand"
  4. Who spoke this line? "Stay alert, You could run out of space real fast."
  5. Who said this,"only what you take with you"?
  6. Who Said this? "He wasn't I can feel it"
  7. Who Said this? "Tell them We wish to board at once"
  8. Who Said this? "But not at the expense of the moment be mindful of the living force"
  9. Who said this? "Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?"
  10. Who Said this? "A communications disruption could mean only one thing..Invasion"

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Quiz topic: The Padawan's Trivia, How well can I quote Star Wars?