The Life and Times of Paige O'C

Ahh, The Life and Times of Paige O'C. I'm not the most complex girl on the planet, but let's see just how much you've actually picked up along the way.

So how well do you know me? Until now you thught you knew, but let's put it to the test. Go through the quiz, pick the best answer and we'll all see just how well you in-tuned you are with The Life and Times of Paige O'C.

Created by: Paige
  1. I have a pretty full household. How many pets do I have?
  2. There are few things in life I love more than parties. What was the theme of the last party I hosted?
  3. My vision is far from perfect and my eye color is far from natural. Where do I store my contacts at night?
  4. After a night of drinking with friends, what is my favorite late night snack?
  5. Before going to bed each night, Christopher and I watch his favorite soap on Tivo. What is it?
  6. My friends and I like to give nicknames to people. Which of the following is not a nickname we've given to someone?
  7. I wear jeans almost everday. While my collection is vast, what's my fave brand?
  8. Homegirl likes her music. How many iPods do I have?
  9. I love to read, but often my free time comes in short stints, so books can drag on for months. To fill in the gaps, what is my favorite magazine?
  10. Not to sound like a total lush, but a favorite pasttime of mine is to meet friends for a drink. What is least likely to be on my bar tab?

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